Tag Archives: work

Procrastination is my middle name

30 May

Not really. However, today it sure feel like it is. Eli left for a three day trip this morning. I had big plans to take care of a few things that have been hanging over my head today so that on Monday I could enjoy the day off. I was supposed to work on a client report, tie up some loose ends with my MK business and follow up on MK leads for future appointments. NONE OF IT HAPPENED.

What I did instead. Took a nap when Ari did, went on a walk halfway up the street and back with Ari which took about 30 minutes. (his legs are short  plus we had to stop at every single bush, flower, rock, car, etc so he could stop, point and ask what is that?) and went on a shopping trip at Target. Luckily, I got out of Target with spending less than 50 bucks-though I am sure my hubby is wondering what I purchased that would cost us 48.00. 😉 (Eli, I know you are reading this!)

I hate it when I get this way. I realize how unproductive it is and it only makes me “worry” about the things I need to get done. Tomorrow is a new day and clean slate to get my “stuff” done.


10 Feb

The trip to Seattle was successful. I had my all company meeting on Friday and then dinner and drinks afterwards. The meeting was very positive. I am proud of upper management not dwelling on the “tough economic” times that we are in. Instead there were messages of positiveness and for us to go and kick butt. Passion and hustle were the two themes that resonated the most for me.  I figure if I made it through the dot.com bust while I was in advertising, I can make it through this as a recruiter.

The best part of the weekend was hanging my sister in law. I only saw my brother for 3 hours on Saturday night. This was due to him “playing army” as my SIL likes to call it. What it is really, is that he had reserve duty. Luckily he can come home while he is on his “one weekend a month” drill.

We spent some great QT together. Learned about each other and I got to learn a heck of a lot about my brother. Boy do I give this girl props! I did not realize what a complex man my brother has become.  My hope is that through her I can start to develop the relationship that he and I were meant to have. Amy fully knows my intentions and she supports them a 100%.  What I really admire about her, is that she did not sugar coat the up hill climb I have in order to earn my brother’s trust.  She spoke the truth and for only being in the family such a short time, I think that kicks ass!

For the meeting we stay at a great remote resort called Suncadia. I will sum it up in one word, BEAUTIFUL!  Here is a picture I took from inside the main lobby.
