Archive | October, 2009

weekly checkups

27 Oct

I’ve started the weekly checkups with my midwife. It is crazy to believe that we are heading down the home stretch. My due date is 30 days from today. I have to say I am ready to meet this little bundle of joy. I am 35 weeks and 3 days. I am 60% effaced and almost 2 cm dilated. Last week I was 40% and barely dilated. I’ve also gained 34 lbs! Hilarous! I think I am going to hit 150lbs before this pregnancy is over with especially since eli is out running errands and promised to bring me back some ice cream. Yah, I am hitting 150 for sure! 🙂

Overall, I am feeling pretty good. I think the anxiousness has faded away. I am back to going into the office. Staying at home, though it is really nice, was making my anxiousness worse. The commute makes me so tired so we will see how long I can keep it up. It is also good to know that i’ve made some progress.  We shall see when this little one decides it is time to make its appearance!

stir crazy pregnant woman rant

24 Oct

I am annoyed. I am annoyed that I’ve been stuck at home this past week with false labor contractions. Last Friday I was in the hospital for what they think was early labor contractions. I was  given two shots of tuberline to stop the contractions and put on modified bed rest over the weekend. I am only 40% effaced and barely dialeted and everyone is telling me to rest. Which I totally understand because I don’t have a ton of energy right now and I have a commute into S*F that is starting to take a toll on me but I am soooo bored!! Plus add in anxious and  ready to pop this child out. I don’t know if I can make it another 5 weeks.

I love my co-workers to death and they have been so cool about me working from home, but if I have to explain how I am feeling one more time or whether or not I am in pain, I am going to explode. I feel like I have to justify my decision in staying off my feet and working from home. I am sure it is not meant that way but it sure feels like it.

I see my midwife on Tuesday of next week so it will be interesting to see if anything has changed from this week.

This limbo land feels like the first trimester when all you wanted to do was get to 13 weeks so you knew everyhing was okay.

Is it really October?

13 Oct

I am sitting here on the couch watching the rain come down and the trees blow in the nasty wind. I am supposed to be working but instead find myself rubbing my bowling ball of a belly and looking out the window. For some reason, I am really enjoying lately hunkering down in my home and away from the outside world. This is especially true when Eli is home. I wonder if this is part of the nesting stuff. I haven’t really gone crazy with cleaning or organizing. I did hire someone to come in a do a deep cleaning of the house and will have that person come when we are in the hospital. I just can”t bend and move like I used to!!

 I stayed home to work today because the weather was so awful and I commute by public transportation and walk 20 minutes to work. My co-worker called me and pretty much told me to stay home and don’t even bother trying to come in. Which I am really grateful for because before I stepped into the shower, I told Eli that getting to work today is going to suck. I’ve started working from home one day a week because the commute is taking such a toll on me. It is crazy how one day I will feel so good and have so much energy and then the next day I will feel like total crap. I think I am getting to the point that I am ready to have this baby. I’ve got 6 weeks to go!!

Our 3 year anniversary is next week. I think once we hit that it is really going to feel like we are in the home stretch. Eli is trying to cut down his travel days so he is only gone for 3 nights, 4 days instead of 5-10 nights/days like its been in the past. I really hope I do not go into labor when he is gone. Everytime he is home, I relax a bit as if to say, okay little one if you want to come early, come now!! Daddy is home and can take care of the both of us. I really don’t want the baby to come early but if it did, I’d rather have Eli here at home.

That is really about all on this front. Just getting ready for baby. Next week I start seeing my midwife every week so I am sure things will start to get interesting. Hopefully!